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Spiritual Care for People of All Faiths

Chaplains are members of the interdisciplinary hospice care team and will visit each patient within five days of admission. Following that initial meeting, chaplains and patients or the patient’s primary caregiver will determine the frequency of visits.

Hospice chaplains reflect our mission to provide comfort care using a holistic approach to healthcare. Spiritual care is critical to a person’s overall sense of well-being and comfort. While all people are not religious, all people are spiritual beings. As trained spiritual care providers, chaplains offer an open, sensitive, and non-judgmental presence while respecting different beliefs, cultures, and values. Chaplains will encourage the involvement of your spiritual support system and will not persuade or challenge you based on their own spiritual tradition. Their goal is to find and explore the spiritual connections that bring each person a sense of peace, comfort, hope and help. Chaplains will encourage you to utilize your own spiritual resources and will offer help and care when appropriate.

Services provided by our chaplains include:

  • Spiritual and pastoral care and counseling
  • Spiritual assessment, intervention, comfort, and nurturing
  • Facilitation and support of religious practices of all faiths and spiritual paths
  • Emotional support
  • Non-judgmental, compassionate listening
  • Spirited crisis intervention
  • Advocacy for patients and caregivers
  • Collaboration with all members of the patient’s hospice care team
  • Consultations on end-of-life decisions and ethical issues
  • Assistance with funeral and memorial service plans and arrangements


Morrison Manor Chapel

The chapel is a sacred space for quiet reflection, prayer, meditation, and reading. Materials are provided in written form and art. A basket is available for prayer requests and notes to the chaplain that will assist us in providing spiritual support to patients, family members, friends, and staff members of all faith and spiritual traditions.
